Current projects
Heading color chart:
Green = Position open for applications
Yellow = Interviewing stage, no more applications accepted at this time
Red = Position closed
Please make sure that you have registered on our website PRIOR to applying for any of our vacancies, a procedure not taking more than 2 minutes of your time. If you´re not registered, you will not be considered for the position!
- Senior System Development Consultant, Stockholm
You will have at least 7 years experience from system development working as a consultant, preferably with experience from administrative systems. You will be initiative making, sales oriented and be able to create administrative systems solutions focused on our client’s products. You should be able to be a driving member of a customer project and have the competency to shoulder a team leading role. In order to be a successful applicant you will need to show extensive knowledge working with MS Visual Studio, .NET, MS SQL Server, Windows Server, Internet Information Server and Web Services. Experience from workflow systems is considered a plus. No un-solicited phone calls will be accepted at present time! Please send your application to Peter Gutniak,, marked "Senior System Development Consultant". Kindly note the information at the top of this page prior to applying.
- Developer, Stockholm
You should come equipped with a few years experience as a developer, preferably within administrative systems. You will be a part of our development team which means that you must be social and enjoy the presence of others. In order to be a successful applicant you will need to show extensive knowledge working with MS Visual Studio, .NET, MS SQL Server, Windows Server, Internet Information Server and Web Services. Experience from workflow systems is considered a plus. No un-solicited phone calls will be accepted at present time! Please send your application to Peter Gutniak,, marked "Developer". Kindly note the information at the top of this page prior to applying.
- Business Development Executive, Nordics
We are searching for a strategic individual who will be in charge of the continuous development in a market place which depending on the client portfolio very well could be global. You will be the company’s spearhead ensuring that the clients buy into their software based test products for mobile handset manufacturers as well as network operators and test laboratories. The position will be Scandinavian based, preferably in/near Stockholm or Copenhagen. Initially home based with extensive travel to the UK HQ and other European destinations. This is an opportunity that rarely arises in the region. The company both offers and demands a lot of its staff who are recognised as leaders in their respective fields of expertise. You will be on top of the regional telecoms manufacturers and have a wide network of contacts to utilize from day one. In not so many words this role requires a highly accomplished individual who is technically capable, strategic in approach, socially engaging and totally committed. In return you will be compensated with an outstanding package in order to attract the very best. No un-solicited phone calls will be accepted at present time! Please send your application to Peter Gutniak,, marked "BDE". Kindly note the information at the top of this page prior to applying.
- Clinical Nurse, Stockholm, Sweden
Our client, a general medical practice with a diabetes profile in Stockholm is in need of a clinical nurse to join them as soon as possible. You will be the first person their clients meet when they come through the door so it is vital that you are kind and gentle on top of being highly professional by nature. You will assist in common tasks such as counselling, appointment bookings, assisting the MD´s in the daily procedures, be on top of all supply issues and anything else that comes with the territory. You´re a licensed nurse preferrably used to working with Profdoc Journal 3. It is considered a merit if you have had prior exposure to diabetes care. Please send your application and CV, marked "Nurse" to Peter Gutniak, Kindly note the information at the top of this page prior to applying.
- Vill du jobba hos oss?
Supreme söker dig som har en sann entreprenörsanda och kunskap om den lokala marknaden. Byrån grundades 2002 och har under denna tid vunnit erkännande från såväl kunder som kandidater som en byrå som inte är som alla andra. Vi är nu i ett expansionsskede och söker därför en person som är uppgiften mogen att driva sitt eget företag under vårt namn för just din lokala marknad. Du har förmodligen ett sedan länge upparbetat nätverk inom affärsvärlden och tycker att konceptuell försäljning kombinerat med en mycket hög servicegrad är bland det roligaste som finns. Din personlighet är utåtriktad och du älskar att göra affärer utan att göra avkall på vare sig kvalitet eller etik. Vi ser gärna sökanden vilka själva har suttit i anställande roller inom näringslivet. Vi har inga franchiseavgifter men du kommer att vara ansvarig för att sätta upp ditt eget kontor och bygga din egen marknad i den stad eller region som du ömskar. Om du är intresserad av att prata med oss om vad du kan tillföra Supreme i vår frammarsch i Norden så sänd oss ett mail omgående. Glöm inte att tala om för oss vilken stad eller region du vill bearbeta. Vi ser fram emot att höra av dig! Ansökningen skickas omgående med attention; Patrick Thörnqvist, Vänligen notera informationen längst upp på denna sida innan ansökan skickas in.
Archived Projects